Help us be part of the change.

The abundance of strays needing homes and vetting is an overgrowing, never-ending problem. The Pretty Pittie Committee prides itself and strives to be a part of the solution. We, at The Pretty Pittie Committee, provide rescue, vetting, fostering, and adoption to the ones in need as much as we can. Our mission and goal is to help eliminate the abuse and euthanasia of animals. However, we would not be who we are or where we are without the your help. Any amount helps TPPC to provide shelter, food, vetting, and love to so many animals until they are able to find their forever homes. Be a part of the solution. Donate below to help us fight our mission and stop euthanasia and give these babies the love that they deserve.

With all of our love,

The Pretty Pittie Committee

Check out our Pretty Pittie merch!

You won't find these one of a kind designs anywhere else! These custom made designs help us get our name out there and help to bring our goal to life. Grab your TPPC gear and remind everyone of why we started this mission. 

Hours of Operation:

Almost Monday: CLOSED

Ew, it's here: 8:00AM - 4:30PM

Second Monday: 800AM - 4:30PM

HUMP Day: 8:00AM - 4:30PM

Almost Friday: 8:00AM - 4:30PM

Fri-YAY!: 8:00AM - 4:30PM

Party Day: CLOSED